P.O. BOX 2835 - EVERGREEN, CO USA 80437
TEL: DOUG TACKETT (303) 670-9950

Mark Telesca is an American songwriter, singer, guitarist, bassist, band leader and author. 2020 brought a new solo acoustic CD titled “ Higher Vibrations”, (nominated for a Blues Blast Music Award!) along with a new book titled “Love Music-Hate Cancer”
“Higher Vibrations” is a collection of 16 songs. Nine original songs composed by Mark. The remaining seven songs are a mix of Pre-WWII blues and spirituals. His finger style guitar playing and storytelling lyrics combined with his powerful vocal seems to be the perfect combination for making a strong connection with his listeners.
“Love Music Hate Cancer” is his second self published book. In March 2017, Mark was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and underwent surgery and a series of chemotherapy treatments. He was confined to his home for the better part of that year. During this time he focused on composing music and writing his book. He has been in remission for over 2 years now and doing well!
These days Mark is gigging almost every night promoting his music and book. He is also booking speaking gigs in colleges, libraries, hospitals and city centers. He is speaking about the life style changes he has made since his diagnosis and the healing power of music.

2020 - Blues Blast Music Award Nominee - Acoustic Blues Album of the Year
2017 - International Blues Challenge (IBC) Semi Finalist
2015 - International Blues Challenge (IBC) Semi Finalist
2009 - Blewsy Best Song Award, "Livin' on Death Row"